LVC welcomes two writers in October

Spencer Paterick `21 Assistant Editor  LVC’s English department continues its writer series, only this semester it’s virtual; in October, LVC welcomes Lauren Francis-Sharma and W.M. Akers.  Lauren Francis-Sharma is…

Studying abroad during COVID-19

Liam Schmidt ’22, Staff Writer Decisions regarding the safety and feasibility of resuming study abroad programs are frequently changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The…

OIA adapts to pandemic precautions

By: Olivia Haug ’21, Staff Writer The Office of Intercultural Affairs (OIA) and Inclusive Programming is adapting to pandemic precautions. This semester, OIA is utilizing…

Mock interview mania at LVC

Tyler Nell ’21, Staff Writer The Mock Interview Mania is underway on campus this week. Mock Interview Mania Week is a series of mock interviews…

Spotted lanternflies swarm campus

By: Chloe Kline ’21, Staff Writer  Invasive spotted lanternflies have been spotted flying around campus.  The insects, which are not native to the United States, have been a…