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Campus News

Law and Liability

Question:  My best friend here on campus is planning to go to law school after graduation. I think that’s great–she’s a talented and smart person, and I’m sure she’ll make a fantastic lawyer. But I […]

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Campus News

Responsible Recreation

Question: I grew up in a family that loved recreational vehicles. Boats, RVs, all that stuff–between my parents, uncles and aunts, and grandparents, it seemed like someone in the family had every possible type of […]

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Campus News

Making Medicine

Question: I need the experts to settle a dorm-room argument for me. I know that there are plenty of reason to be annoyed with big pharmaceutical companies, but I found myself defending them a bit […]

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Campus News

Smokey Smiles

Question: I’m in a great relationship with a boy here on campus. He’s supportive, smart, funny, and really good-looking. There’s just one thing about him that bothers me. I know it’s shallow, but his teeth […]

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Campus News

First Job

Written by John Regan, former Director of Sales for equity research Question: If I get a job with a big company, do I need an employment contract? Answer: This situation can be a little awkward […]