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Campus News

Crime Watch: 8/12/16 – 9/13/16

CRIME WATCH Date Time Incident Title Open/Closed Description 8/12/16 9:40 Incident Services Closed Balcony door found ajar 8/13/16 19:25 Fire Alarm Open Fire alarm/elevator 8/14/16 11:23 Assist Other Agency Closed Assist Annville Police Department 8/15/16 […]


Stepping it up

By Rachel Anderson, ’17, Staff Writer Dutchmen, step up. Step Up! is a bystander intervention training that teaches college students to be proactive in helping each other. Students learn how to notice unhealthy behaviors and […]

Campus News

Packed with love

By Megan Marron ’18, Staff Writer When Tracy Bond Ciabattoni and the rest of her “Stars and Stripes” alumni chapter began shipping snacks and candy overseas 11 years ago, they had no idea how large […]

Campus News

Trip to remember

By Kayla Capone ’17, Staff Writer Eleven Lebanon Valley College students experienced something most people cannot say they have; they visited the Mormon Temple in Philadelphia. The unique opportunity came about in early September.  It […]

Campus News

Pokémon resurgence

By Tyler Cottle, ’18, Staff Writer When looking for a new game on one’s phone, the App Store produced one that connects with most college students. In the summer, Niantic and the Pokémon Company made […]