By: Emily Bainbridge, ’21 staff writer
Every year, during the last week of Feb., the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) hosts NEDA Week; the purpose of NEDA Week is to raise awareness about eating disorders and to erase the stigma surrounding them.
This year, NEDA Week took place the last week of Feb.
Eating disorders can affect anyone, but college students are at a higher risk. According to NEDA, between 8% and 17% of college students may be suffering from an eating disorder.
The specific percentage is unknown because of varying factors such as students not seeking help because of the stigma surrounding the disorder and lack of access to healthcare.
To raise awareness, LVC addressed this topic during their O.A.S.I.S. and 60 Minutes groups, which take place on Saturdays and Sundays from 6-7 p.m.
“50/50 Peer Helpers helped create a body image poster during these weekend groups,” Jim Felty, an LVC licensed counselor, said. “The poster will be available in Mund during the week of March 1, and we are encouraging students to write positive body image messages on the posters for all to see.”
Felty also mentioned that many of the 50/50 Peer Mentors’ focus is to raise awareness through social media. This includes their Instagram account, @lvc_5050.
If a student or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder, please visit for resources, including a free phone, text or chat helpline.