LVC yoga club has high attendance

Yoga club meeting

(By Abigail Adams, staff writer)

LVC’s yoga club had a big turnout for its first club meeting of the fall semester.

One aspect that most, if not all, college students can agree on is that life is stressful. Between classes, schoolwork, jobs and extracurricular activities, students find themselves mentally drained and exhausted by the end of one week. LVC’s yoga club aims to combat this problem by offering students a stress-free zone to improve their physical and mental wellbeing, and with more than 30 students at their first meeting, it seems they are doing just that.

“It is a safe space for students to connect the mind and body for better physical and academic performance,” Camryn Cataldi, the club’s vice president, said. “We aim to build an inclusive and welcoming environment where students can feel comfortable letting go of daily stress and finding peace within.”

Yoga club plans to continue this high amount of reach throughout the rest of the semester. Weekly meetings occur every Tuesday night from 7:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Underground in the basement of the Allen W. Mund College Center.