Music education student triples down on homecoming weekend

(By Warren J. Collins ’27, Staff Writer)

Over the course of what has been an exciting and lavish homecoming weekend, you may have noticed a familiar face pop up at several of this weekend’s events.

Jake Nguyen ’25, a senior music education major, tripled down during the eventful weekend. He was featured on the homecoming court, played in the marching band with the mellophone section and performed a gig on the Mund Patio. 

“This weekend was definitely a bit overwhelming, but it was ultimately an exciting time,” Nguyen said. “This past week, I lucked out with only having light work in my classes, and it let me stay on task with my court dance and my patio performance.”

Nguyen is making the most of his senior year, as he will begin student teaching at the beginning of the spring semester. 

“Performing has been a primary hobby of mine since 8th grade, and I want to get the most out of it before my career as an educator becomes a priority,” he said. 

As a future music educator, Nguyen wishes to use his eventful weekend as an example for his future students to take charge of their own aspirations and pursue interests.

“LVC has always had a great community, and people are always able to come out and resonate with my music, whether it’s an original of mine or a cover,”  Nguyen said. “I want to inspire my future students to create their own personal touch with their work, and find ways to connect with their audience. To me, that’s what performing is all about.”

For those who may have missed out on Nguyen’s homecoming performance, there will still be a chance to watch him perform, as he will be having a vocal recital on November 18 in the Zimmerman Recital Hall.