FBLA kicks off again

(By Elizabeth Waltersdorff ’25, staff writer)

As the beginning of the academic year is rapidly picking back up to speed, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is starting meetings again in hopes of preparing for another successful year. 

Many members of FBLA competed in the Pennsylvania State Leadership Conference last year and placed very high, competing against almost 300 other colleges and universities.  

Alumni Cashana Cooper, Tyler Hartl and Haley Keener received first place in three separate competitions at the PA State Leadership Conference. Shelly Bliss, a current sophomore, and Michaela Linsey, a current junior, both also received first place in two separate events.  

Everyone who competed at the PA State Leadership Conference and placed high, had the opportunity to continue their achievements at the International Leadership Conference and partake in the international competitions.  

At the International Leadership Conference in Florida, alumni Tyler Hartl and Haley Keener both received first place nationally in two separate competitions.   

This year, FBLA will be meeting Wednesday nights starting at 8 p.m. in the Clyde A. Lynch Memorial Hall. The club will work on various fundraisers in the fall semester for their participation in the PA State Leadership Conference in the spring semester. FBLA is excited to kick off this year strong and do everything they can to prepare for this year’s conference.