LVC men’s soccer team travels to Spain

By Ethan Bazydola ’26, staff writer 

The men’s soccer team traveled to Algeciras, a town on the southern coast of Spain, for a week of unique experiences. 

The team also explored coastal cities like Málaga, Marbella, Sevilla and Madrid throughout the week. They also had the chance to cross the border into Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory, to tour the historic city and climb the Rock of Gibraltar.  

Despite the fun travels, soccer was still the focus of the trip as the team was able to both watch and play in two matches.  

The first match they saw was in Málaga, where Málaga faced off against Ibiza. Málaga defeated Ibiza 1-0, giving LVC’s team a glimpse at stiff competition.  

The group then played against the Algeciras Academy team, winning the match 4-2. The boys played their final match against a club named San Roque, where they tied 1-1.  

To close out their trip, the team had the opportunity to watch the historic Real Madrid’s second team, a professional-level organization. 

Despite the trip being brief, the memories created in another country are unparalleled. LVC’s team was exposed to the differences between American and Spanish lifestyle, along with authentic Spanish food. 

The team’s time in Spain allowed for team-bonding, the chance to play talented teams and opportunities to learn about Spanish culture.