Study area for students to de-stress

By Julia Craig ’24, associate editor

Students can stop by the Center for Academic Success and Exploratory Majors (CASEM) for a variety of reasons or no particular reason at all.

Located in the lower level of Mund, CASEM is a place where students can study, print things out or simply de-stress.  It is designed to help students reach their maximum potential in the classroom.

There are tables to do schoolwork, computers, printers and even snacks and games for students to take a break.  There is also a group study room that can be reserved by emailing

CASEM also houses peer tutors, academic coaches, the CARE team and the writing center desk/drop-in hours.

One aspect that makes CASEM unique is how it caters to students and helps them find success. 

When students need a break from schoolwork or just to get their minds off things, there are games and other activities to do while down there.  There are also school supplies that students can use, such as notebooks, pens, notecards and protective sheet covers for paper.

Be sure to stop by CASEM to see all that it has to offer!