Guitar ensemble seeking members

By Carter Kucier ’23, staff writer

LVC’s guitar ensemble is seeking new members for the 2023-24 school year.

The guitar ensemble is a unique small ensemble directed by John Arnold, LVC’s adjunct guitar studio professor. The ensemble is entirely composed of acoustic guitar players performing together. They hold recitals at least once a year, usually aiming for once a semester.

This ensemble is one of several groups offered through the LVC Music department that focus on one particular instrument. These ensembles provide unique experiences for students to make music together, overcoming the challenge of creating unique textures and sounds throughout pieces without much instrumental diversity.

The guitar ensemble recitals often feature a range of pieces and styles from Renaissance era works up through modern, as well as both solo and group pieces.

The only requirements are that interested students own an acoustic guitar, preferably nylon strings, are able to sight read, and are available for rehearsal on Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Students of all majors who meet the requirements are welcomed and encouraged to join. It is a good opportunity for musicians to improve their sight reading and listening skills, as well as their ability to perform with ensembles of all kinds.

Interested students can reach out to professor Arnold at for more information.