Register now for LVC’s Success Expo

The first-ever job fair/internship event will be held on Tuesday, March 21, with job fair preparation sessions offered in the next two weeks, including next Tuesday, Feb. 28.  

The College has set up a website with all the details.

Students can attend the jobs & internships fair on Tuesday, March 21, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Arnold Sports Center. Register now on Handshake.   

Additional workshops will be offered throughout the Success Expo as well, diving into topics relating to mental health like wellness in the workplace and how to ask an employer for accommodations. Outside of these, there are more financially motivated workshops outlining topics like the credit card, car loan and investing advice as well as an intercultural workplace competency presentation.  

There’s also an opportunity to apply to an LVC graduate program.

Additionally, for each event attended, students will receive one entry to win a $500 scholarship given on behalf of the Breen Center.  

No matter where an LVC student is at in their journey, they are sure to find something relevant during the LVC Success Expo: Advising & Career Exploration Day!