LVC’s 2022 Accounting & Actuarial Science Job Fair

Photo Provided by Lebanon Valley College

By Natalie Santangelo ’23, Staff Writer

LVC accounting and actuarial science students had their chance to make a great first impression for future their future employment.   

On Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m, Arnold Sports Center held the annual Accounting & Actuarial Science Job Fair that gave students the chance to network and learn about a variety of companies in the local area.

With over 40 employers attending the event, there were tons of opportunities for all accounting and actuarial science students. Companies continue to work with LVC students because of the skillsets they have been able to gain from the classroom.

The LVC Actuarial Science program has graduates that are employed at over 100 firms which is a huge accomplishment. In addition, most students that are in their senior year have been able to receive several job offers well before graduation. This is key to the success of the actuarial science program at LVC and what makes it an attractive program to future students.

The accounting program has also contributed to its student’s job success with the ability to place them in competitive internships with large accounting firms. What attracts companies to LVC students is that they will have the knowledge and skills to sit for their CPA exam after graduation.

This year’s job fair was yet another huge success for both accounting and actuarial science students. These networking events can be a crucial point in students’ college years because it can set them up for post-graduate opportunities, or even internships during college that can result in full-time positions.

The Breen Center for Career and Professional Development offers support in resume building, interviewing tips, and more.