Homelessness awareness sleepout

By Bailey Dills ’22, staff writer

LVC will hold a sleepout outside of the Frederic K. Miller Chapel at 9:30 p.m., on Thursday, Nov. 4. The event is being held to provide students with insight into the vulnerability endured by those who live without a home. 

Although there is simply no comparison, this small glimpse into an underprivileged perspective is meant to spark conversation, compassion and action. Participants will be encouraged to ponder residential displacement and its effects on society and humanity.

“We will spend the night sleeping outside and sharing in reflection as we consider some of the realities of homelessness in different areas and how homelessness can look very different in different places,” Jen Leidtka, service and volunteerism coordinator, said.

Homelessness is a harsh reality to accept, despite its constant observation. The topic will be meditated and open for discussion. This is an incredible opportunity for young adults, especially those fortunate enough to receive a college education. 

“I’ve facilitated this opportunity numerous times for college students and with other groups in the community, and participants always report that it’s very impactful, broadening their perspective and growing their empathy,” Leidtka said.

At the sleepout, socioeconomic status will be negligible, and individuals will be able to come to terms with the actuality and physical existence of destitution and poverty. 

The group will be limited to about 20 people. Contact Jennifer Leidtka at leidtka@lvc.edu for more information.