DigiCom students succeed at internship

By James Zilinski ’22, staff writer

Two digital communications students were offered full-time jobs after their internships. Seniors Jacob Triano and Brandon Kemmery both interned this past summer, for Allegro Learning Solutions, a startup that helps people get apprenticeships. They found out about the internship from, Dr. Joel Kline, professor of design, media, and technology.

“The skills I learned in my digital communications classes definitely helped me succeed on the job,” Triano said.

Triano’s responsibilities included meeting with clients, creating educational courses and designing things for the company’s marketing campaign.

“This internship caused me to make many professional connections that I think will benefit me greatly throughout my career,” Kemmery said.

The most important of these connections was his boss, who following the internship offered Kemmery a full-time job as a project manager. Triano also received the same offer.

“I am really glad to have received this offer because it takes off a lot of stress from my senior year,” Triano said.

Now, Triano can spend more time on his schoolwork and his extracurriculars, such as being a captain of the LVC esports team. Kemmery is also a captain on the esports team as well as senior class president and a member of the LVC Board of Trustees.

“The people I met at this internship are definitely my biggest takeaway from the whole thing,” Triano said.

Triano’s colleagues were from both the United States and India. Dealing with time zone differences was something that he had to adapt to quickly. Triano’s communication skills were extremely important as a majority of his job revolved around talking to people.

If students are interested in doing an internship yourself be sure to check out the Breen Center for Graduate Success and all they have to offer.