By Branden Matassa ’22, staff writer
Recently, LVC students and faculty were sent the Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey via email.
The survey asks participants about their perceptions of the LVC climate and about any experiences with discrimination and harassment at LVC.
The Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium, of which LVC is a member, provided the survey. HEDS is an organization of colleges and universities committed to sharing data, knowledge and expertise to advance undergraduate liberal arts education, inclusive excellence and student success.
Dr. Susan Tammaro, Associate Provost and Director of Institutional Research, helped administer the survey and talked about the role it will play in enhancing the LVC experience.
“First, it will help us develop a better understanding of the extent to which our campus supports diversity and equity,” Tammaro said. “Second, it will inform and improve support, policies and practices related to diversity and equity. By that I mean that we will use the results to tell us what we are doing well and to identify opportunities for improvement.”
As Associate Provost and Director of Institutional Research, Tammaro serves an important role at LVC.
“I provide evidence-based recommendations to support strategic planning, institutional effectiveness, resource allocation and decision making,” Tammaro, said. “I also coordinate all institutional research and assessment and have oversight for all institution-wide surveys and studies related to institutional assessment.”
Some students may wonder whether their feedback will even make a difference. Tammaro was clear in pointing out the importance of the survey.
“We will definitely use the feedback we get from this survey,” Tammaro, said. “All results will be taken very seriously.”
Results from the survey will be completely anonymous. In addition to the initial results, the LVC research department will receive a comparative report which compares the results from LVC students and employees to those of all the other participating institutions.
For those interested taking part, the survey will be available until mid-April.