Seniors search for jobs during pandemic

By Madison Donahue ’21, Staff Writer

Increasing unemployment rates, shifting hiring patterns and dramatic changes to the way in which the work force operates is part of the harsh reality that is the Coronavirus pandemic. A large demographic of people that are being impacted by these increasing unemployment rates are college graduates. Usually, around spring time, college seniors will start applying to jobs that interest them. However, with the struggles surrounding the pandemic, college seniors are applying to anything available, even if it does not interest them or is in their field or major.

 Recent graduates are seeking employment in one of the worst job markets since the Great Depression. The national unemployment rate is 6.7 percent, as of Nov. 2020, compared to a 50-year low of 3.5 percent last Nov.

For many, this is extremely scary. Kylie Fernand, senior music major, spoke on the struggles of pursuing a dream and a career while in the midst of the pandemic. 

“It has been extremely difficult to find opportunities during the pandemic, especially in an industry such as music, where everything is hands on, and revolves solely around people and interacting with one another,” Kylie said. 

However, she has taken this challenge head on and has released three singles that are now available on Apple Music and Spotify. 

Kylie said, “Finding different ways around the traditional way music is produced was difficult, but we found a way.” 

Finding a job within the industry is a whole other challenge within itself. 

“Thinking about finding a job post graduation is very intimidating. However, I have a lot of great mentors around me who have given my great advice,” Fernand said. 

Kylie emphasized the concept of creating connections and building a platform. 

“Social media has been a great way for me to get my name and music out there. I am constantly connecting with people, and hopefully there will be opportunities in the future that come out of that,” Kylie said. 

Creating a network during a time like this is crucial, and is one way to create opportunities. Kylie shows us first hand how crucial putting yourself at there is, and how different things can open up from that. 

All in all, to any graduating senior, here is some advice: stay positive, be patient, put yourself out there, connect with people, and be persistent and consistent in everything you do!