Spotting lanternflies on campus

Zack Kime ’22, staff writer

“They are everywhere,” Mason Klaus, a senior business major, said. “We see them all over the light poles every day at practice, and they keep coming back.”

Each lanternfly is only about an inch both long and wide, but they have a distinct set of red wings which stand out especially against their mostly grey and black exterior.

According to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA), spotted lanternflies have been in the state as early as 2014. This means the flies are no stranger to this environment, and that’s likely why students are beginning to see this invasive species take over around Annville.

Unfortunately, spotted lanternflies leave behind an excess of sugary honeydew, which when built up creates black fungi and mold. The prime targets for these buildups are under vehicles and around patio furniture, so be sure to keep an eye out!

“I do not see them being a problem for any specific piece of equipment, but they have become a nuisance during practices and general walk around the campus.” Justin Kieffer, LVC’s equipment manager and assistant men’s lacrosse coach, said. “I see them being an eye sore for a short period like the stink bugs were years ago. Thankfully they don’t seem to make their way into buildings, so hopefully their presence will diminish as winter arrives in the valley.”

Chances are if students have been over by the Arnold Field, they’ve seen their fair share of lanternflies themselves. That’s because they’re sap-feeding insects who gravitate towards maple, black walnut, birch and willow trees, and the PDA identifies the species as a direct threat to local plant and timber industries.

Officials say to mitigate the invasion of these flies, students and locals alike must make a conscious effort to keep windows up, check for the honeydew deposits and get rid of flies or egg masses when they encounter them.

For further information check out the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture’s website where there’s an outbreak tracker, FAQ page and more.