Balancing schoolwork and having a job

Dylan Baxter 21’ Staff Writer

There are many students at LVC who are full-time students as well as working part-time or full-time jobs. How do these students balance all of their schoolwork while maintaining their jobs?

Jack Branowski is a senior business major who currently is working full-time at a local shop in his hometown as well as being a full-time student. Branowski is currently doing all online classes this semester and is living at home.

“It’s really pretty simple balancing the classes and work,” Branowski said. “I have Zoom classes throughout the day which I log into, and my work is pretty lenient with my schoolwork, so they let me sit down for an hour or however long my class is to participate in the Zoom class.”

Jack works from 8 a.m. till 2 p.m. Monday through Friday and only has one or two classes during his working day.

“I get off of work around two and then I have another class at three,” Branowski added on. “Once that class is over, I usually just see what homework needs to be done for the rest of the week and try to finish as much as I can to free up the end of my week.”

Many students over the course of the semester have questions to ask their professors about classwork. How do online students get in touch with their professors if they aren’t on campus?

“I’ve already talked to my professors multiple times,” Branowski state. “I email them regularly, and I have already had Zoom calls with my professors to help me with accounting problems or just some clarification on some things going on in class.”

There are many other students just like Jack at LVC who have full-time jobs and who get their classwork done and find the perfect balance between work and school.