By Marj O’Neill ’21, staff writer
LVC had its first ever Greek Life fair, organized by Greek council president Alex Detweiler, on Thursday, Jan. 30, before recruitment week on campus.
Campus Greek fraternities and sororities, including Alpha Sigma Tau, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Phi Lambda Sigma, Gamma Sigma Sigma and Kappa Lambda Nu were represented at tables in the lobby of the Allan W. Mund College Center during common hour. Each organization’s table consisted of various paraphernalia that advertised the fraternity or sorority and their aims and purposes.
Students interested in joining Greek Life or learning more about it were able to visit the tables at the fair and ask questions about the fraternity or sorority. In addition, they were able to sign up for recruitment.
“I personally thought it was a really great experience for Greek life as a whole,” Amanda Peters, director of structured recruitment of Alpha Sigma Tau, said. “It’s not often that all Greek organizations are gathered in one place, and we are all there for a common purpose which was to represent our organizations. The atmosphere was very supportive and I feel as though the event was very successful as a whole.”
Recruitment week for Greek Life on campus is next week and students interested should go out for recruitment for the Greek organizations in which they are interested in joining.
Photo provided by: Marj O’Neill