Safe space for students

By Kayla Heiserman ’20, staff writer

Stonewall House is a special interest house at Lebanon Valley College which houses 11 LVC students all committed to educating others and advocating for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Leo Thomas, a junior Digital Communications major, began living in the house this year and views it as a sanctuary. “Living in Stonewall has allowed me to be more expressive,” Thomas said. “I don’t think about how I present myself as often as I would in a ‘normal’ living space. I’m much more open.”

The residents of the house include both students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and allies alike.

Ethan Schultz, a junior Psychology major, identifies himself as an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community. “I think if people aren’t hurting anybody they should be able to live in the way they choose without being judged for it, you know,” stated Schultz. “If you see something that’s not fair or right, even if it doesn’t necessarily affect you directly, it’s important to stand up for what’s right.”

Supporting anyone who feels unsafe or unsure regarding their sexuality or gender is a responsibility of those in Stonewall House. This is done through community hours and events open to all LVC students both in the house and around campus.

Stonewall House is open for community hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day as a “safe space” for students. It is located in Centre Hall, right in the middle of campus next to the Peace Garden. If anything is making someone uncomfortable to be where they are, or they have questions regarding LGBTQIA+ issues, they are welcome at Stonewall.

For more information or to answer any questions regarding Stonewall House, contact the House Leaders, Virginia Graham ’18, a Music and Music Business major, at or Heather Riutzel ’19, a Psychology and Art and Visual Culture major, at