By Marshal Kiessling ‘18, staff writer
Local members of the community along with LVC students and faculty combined to build a playground at the Southwest Park in Lebanon. However, there are more opportunities to get involved this semseter.
The City of Lebanon, The Lebanon Valley YMCA, Wellspan and Pennsylvania Municipal League partnered in late September to build the playground for local families and community members. This provides a safe place for children to play outdoors.
Volunteers from LVC were happy to be a part of the playground build because it gave them a chance to give back to the community that has given so much to them.
“Community service is an amazing thing to partake in because you’re giving back to the community, maybe the community that you grew up in,” Jon Harned, a senior physical therapy major, said. “I was grateful to play a role in the build that will give families a safe place to play outside.”
In any community, a safe place for kids and their families to play outside is a great opportunity for exercise and fun.
“Creating safe places for kids to play outdoors is so important in any community,” Jennifer Liedtka, LVC’s coordinator of community service, said. “I’m thrilled that Lebanon has this new site for families to enjoy.”
In the future, LVC will participate in community service events and volunteers are needed. One example — LVEP (Lebanon Valley Educational Partnership) event on Oct. 28, Assemble of Care Kits on Nov. 20, and an LVEP event on Dec. 1.
For additional information on how one can help out, please visit the LVC Community Service website or contact Jennifer Liedtka at
Any donation or service is greatly appreciated.