By Erika Gregory, staff writer
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month.
During the last week of October, students at Lebanon Valley College raised money for the American Cancer Society by hosting the annual Pink Week.
Many students and their families have been affected by cancer, and the week was a way for them to recognize the severity of the disease as well as raise awareness to one day find a cure.
Amy Overpeck, a senior neuroscience major, is the cancer education chair of Colleges Against Cancer and helped plan Pink Week this year. She got involved because the disease has impacted her personally.
“My family has been impacted by cancer, and when I found out that I could get more involved with the organization that funds cancer research and helps those in need, I couldn’t refuse,” Overpeck said.
Some students have not witnessed the severity of the disease in their own family, but have seen friends and members of the community suffer with cancer.
“One of my classmates endured and beat ovarian cancer at the age of 18,” Paige Mealing, a sophomore biology major, said. “People dealing with this disease need a support system and being involved in Colleges Against Cancer is my way of trying to help even if I don’t know them.”
Multiple events occurred during the week to raise money for the American Cancer Society. On Monday night, Todd Snovel hosted Zumba featuring pink attire. It was a great way to kick off the special week and have fun while exercising.
Tuesday night was the famous bra walk through the residence halls. Male students volunteered to wear a bra walk through every hall and ask for donations to support the American Cancer Society. Students stuffed money into the bras and got a good laugh with the volunteers brave enough to walk around campus wearing a bra.
“My favorite event during Pink Week is the bra walk,” Overpeck said. “It is extremely entertaining and brings in a lot of money. Each year it receives so much praise from everyone around campus.”
Wednesday was the night to get your hair dyed pink to support breast cancer awareness. The sisters of Sigma Alpha Iota helped students dye pieces of their hair pink to match the pink theme that week.
Thursday, a banner was displayed in Mund that said, “Kiss Away Cancer.” Students could stop at the Colleges Against Cancer table and use lip shaped stamps to stamp a “kiss” on the banner that would later be displayed at the pink football game.
Friday, shirts were available for students to buy and wear to the football game on Saturday to show their support for Pink Week.
Saturday was the pink game where fans, students, cheerleaders and football players wore pink to spread awareness for breast cancer. The Colleges Against Cancer club gave out pink thunder sticks to students attending the game to add color and spirit to the stands. The LVC cheerleaders even did a special cheer for breast cancer and collected donations from fans.
Events of this special week raised more than $2,000 to go to the American Cancer Society, where Overpeck tells us the money will benefit those impacted by cancer and fund cancer research.