Student government: 36 strong

Photo provided by Nev Puryear

( By Val Bildheiser ’25, staff writer)

As the semester draws to a close, students should remember that LVC’s student government is always available to receive feedback. 

This year’s elected group comprises 36 hardworking students who balance academics, social lives and reporting on-campus observations. They are led by Jen Evans, director of student engagement, and Theresa Albright, director of annual giving.

The students are pictured above, from left to right: 

Third row: Tabi Gilbert (junior equity representative and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging chair), Jen Evans (advisor), Jayven Ritchie (first-year vice president), Dakota Brodzina (first-year class representative), Caleb Sikalis (sophomore class representative and sustainability chair), Trey McAuliffe (senior class representative and food service liaison), Ainsley Buia (junior secretary and residential life liaison), Wyatt Morrison (senior class representative and information technology liaison), Deklan Shaughnessy (senior commuter representative and information technology liaison), Coyla Bartholomew (sophomore class representative and Spirit Committee chair) and Blake Weaver (first-year president).

Second row: Nev Puryear (senior president and communications liaison), Tristan Neye (sophomore commuter representative), Drew Dorsey (first-year commuter representative), Alycia Qualls (first-year class representative), Cadence Funk (first-year class representative), Kyah Starr (sophomore class representative and General Education Committee chair), Anna Tokle (first-year equity representative), Roman Schelhorn (sophomore president and executive treasurer), Reinhold “Lou” Louis (junior president and Vice President of Student Affairs), Maddie Ayers (junior vice president and Vice President of Academic Affairs), Sierra Kapcsos (sophomore equity representative and club liaison), Tory Hall (senior class representative and Spirit Committee chair), Ashley Kimble (sophomore secretary and residential life liaison), Jackson Klingaman (senior treasurer and facilities liaison) and Emily Reaman (senior vice president and executive president). 

First row: Mya Maloney (first-year secretary and Committee on Curriculum and Assessment chair), Andrew Kalmanowicz (junior class representative and health and counseling services liaison), Kate Roth (former Student Government member), Val Bildheiser (junior secretary and executive secretary), Brittnie Breece (senior secretary), Marina Biltcliff (sophomore treasurer, community service liaison and General Education Committee chair), Sophie Piepmeier (junior class representative and community service liaison), Heather Reigle (junior commuter representative and commuter liaison), Katie Muller (first-year treasurer), Sydney Lelit (senior equity representative and Inclusive and Intercultural Committee chair), Caroleena Orta (sophomore vice president and club liaison) and Theresa Albright (advisor).

Not pictured: Cody Schucker (junior class representative and Campus Safety liaison).

Feel free to report any questions, concerns or feedback of any kind to these students whenever necessary. Follow @lvcstudentgov on Instagram for more information.